How to contact the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse

The Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse (DACH) can be contacted by phone at 844-955-0207, this will require you to leave a message for a return call. They can be contacted via email at [email protected].  There is also a Contact Form on the FMCSA Clearinghouse website.

The contact page on the FMCSA Clearinghouse web site lists specific contact information for the following: 

  • Registration – For assistance with creating your account, or assistance for using your credentials to access the Clearinghouse.  Reach out to:
  • FMCSA Portal – For assistance with setting up or accessing your FMCSA Portal account contact: (800) 724-2811
  • General Information:

Frequently Asked Questions
Sign up for Clearinghouse news and updates

Help & Assistance with the Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse

If you need assistance and you are having difficulty contacting the Clearinghouse, you can seek guidance and consultation from A private company offering services to help you navigate the Clearinghouse, the team at is available to provide expert professional advice.  Our representatives are standing by to help you and will return all phone calls and e-mails within one business day.

Assistance is available to drivers and to employers.  We know that sometimes it is challenging to deal with governmental agencies and bureaucracy. At we have helped hundreds of employers and many many drivers with their responsibilities in the Clearinghouse. 

Why is the Clearinghouse Important?

The Clearinghouse is an online database keeping track of drivers who test positive for drugs or alcohol while working, these drivers should be taken off the road.  With the Clearinghouse the drivers who have been taken off the road can be queried to make sure they have received rehabilitation and completed the return to duty process before they drive again.

What are my first steps for the Clearinghouse? 

As an employer your first step is to register in the Clearinghouse.  This is required if you are a covered employer under Federal Motor Carrier Safety (FMCSA) regulations for drug and alcohol testing.

As a driver, if you are applying for a new job, you must register in the Clearinghouse.  A Driver with a drug & alcohol testing violation must also register. Drivers that are required to register in the Clearinghouse and do not register, will not be able to perform any safety sensitive driving duties when they have not registered in the Clearinghouse.