You have a violation in the FMCSA Clearinghouse, and you need to find a Substance Abuse Professional or SAP to help you with this process to get the violation removed.
To clear your violation, contact a SAP: Call 866-566-7692 and provide REFERENCE CODE 407 or contact online – American Substance Abuse Professionals, Inc. (ASAP).
A second source to find a SAP is to visit:
One you find a SAP you must log into your FMCSA Clearinghouse account and designate that SAP. If you have not previously registered for the FMCSA Clearinghouse you will need to register. Go to CDL Driver Registration to get help with the registration process. We get questions daily on how to find a SAP.
If you have lost your phone or phone number used to register in the Clearinghouse, you can follow these important instructions to get back into the Clearinghouse.
For any type of driver assistance in the Clearinghouse, go to Driver Clearinghouse Services.
Getting back to work after your violation, follow these steps:
- Identify a SAP in your local area
- Contact the SAP and make arrangements for services
- Identify the SAP in your account in the FMCSA Clearinghouse
- Complete the program with the SAP
- Return to duty test (RTD) is required under your own DOT authority or an employer DOT authority (you cannot complete the return to duty test without an employer hiring you or starting up your own authority as an owner operator)
- With negative RTD test, start driving. The negative return to duty test must be reported to the Clearinghouse.
- Per the requirements of the SAP, you will continue to have follow-up testing.
- The employer will report to Clearinghouse the completion of the follow-up testing once you complete the process. (For an owner operator, the third-party administrator (TPA or C/TPA) will report the completion of the follow-up testing program.
This program is about safety. Compliance is required and failure to comply can result in penalties and fines. The above information is provided to assist you to get your Clearinghouse violation cleared up and to get back on the road.
How long will the entire SAP Process take?
The time it takes to complete the DOT Return-to-Duty SAP process varies. The SAP will make a clinical assessment and recommend treatment and/or education based on your individual needs. Note: The SAP must make a recommendation for some level of care per DOT CFR 49 Part 40 Subpart O.
Will I be able to work while going through the SAP process?
You are NOT permitted to perform DOT safety-sensitive duties while going through the SAP process. However, you may work in a non-safety-sensitive function. Placement in a non-safety-sensitive position is at the discretion of your employer. is a private company not affiliated with the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) or the Federal Motor Carrie Safety Administration (FMCSA).