What’s Coming in the Clearinghouse

Clearinghouseservices.com is a private company not affiliated with the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) or the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).  The purpose of Clearinghouseservices.com is to assist employers, drivers and service agents with their responsibilities in the new Commercial Driver’s License Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse.  The effective date is January 6, 2020. 

What’s Coming in the Clearinghouse?

FMCSA officials have announced that registration for all Clearinghouse users will be available sometime in October 2019.  All parties utilizing the Clearinghouse must register and receive log on credentials. The process will be multi-factor for security; multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is a security system that verifies a user’s identity by requiring multiple credentials. Shared log on credentials will not be allowed.

FMCSA officials have also announced the purchase of queries will be available sometime in November 2019.  Employers are required to run queries on all applicants for employment as an FMCSA covered employee (Driver) and also an annual query.  The query fee to the FMCSA is $1.25 per query and these must be purchased in advance of running the query. Employers will also have the option to hire Consortium/Third Party Administrators (C/TPA) to run the queries on their behalf; however, only the employer can purchase the query credits from FMCSA.

Are Service Agents Required to Utilize the Clearinghouse?

Yes and no.  Medical Review Officers (MRO) are required to report verified positive drug test results, or in some cases when a driver refuses to take a drug test. The MRO must report any changes to a verified drug test within one business day of making any changes to the reported results. 

Substance abuse professionals have two reporting requirements.  These two requirements include the date of completion of the initial SAP assessment, and the date the SAP determines that the driver is eligible for return to duty testing.

Will all Drivers be Required to Register in the Clearinghouse?

No, not necessarily all drivers.  A driver who is currently employed never leaves his job and never has a drug alcohol violation would not need to register.  The annual queries would be limited queries which don’t require consent inside the clearinghouse; paper consent forms can be used.  Once the driver leaves a job for another job or has a violation he would need to register. Effective January 6, 2020, all drivers applying for an FMCSA driving position will need to register.  It is recommended that all drivers register and registration is available starting sometime in October.